
What ls output mean

This show how to read output of ls command

In the order of output

; -rwxrw-r-- 1 root root 2048 Jan 13 07:11 afile.exe

file permissions, number of links, owner name, owner group, file size, time of last modification, and file/directory name

File permissions is displayed as following;

first character is - or l or d, d indicates a directory

a line represents a file

l is a symlink (or soft link)

- special type of file three sets of characters, three times, indicating permissions for owner, group and other

r = readable w = writable x = executable

In your example -rwxrw-r--,

this means the line displayed is: a regular file (displayed as -) readable, writable and executable by owner (rwx) readable, writable, but not executable by group (rw-) readable but not writable or executable by other (r--)


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