

Regular Expression Cheat Sheet

Regular expression common symbol, anchors, character classes, POSIX Character Classes, Assertions, Quantifiers, Ranges, Special Characters, String Replacement, Pattern Modifiers, Metacharacters must be escaped



How to add sitemap into robots file

As a web developer and webmaster, you want your site to be seen in search results. And in order to be reach that you need your website and its web pages crawled and indexed by search engine bots (robots). There are 2 files to help bots find what they need: Robots.txt and Sitemap


Windows shortcut keys

In this article I will introduce about some common windows shortcut keys. These can help developer works faster when coding or testing


CSS: Cross Browser Opacity

Sometime, css opacity does not work well on IE. So opacity become a difficult thing on cross browser.




Install Phusion Passenger on Centos 7

Phusion Passenger (commonly shortened to Passenger or referred to as mod_passenger) is an application server and it is often used to power Ruby sites. Its code is distributed in form of a Ruby gem, which is then compiled on the target machine and installed into Apache as a module.


Git fetch, git pull or git push error

Error while pull from git - insufficient permission for adding an object to repository database .git/objects fatal: failed to write object fatal: unpack-objects failed